October 2023: Tech Troubles

Happy Halloween.   Just some technical difficulties here.  My only free time is on the weekends, I have spent the past 5 trying to get my computer to run a game, any game at this point.

Continue reading “October 2023: Tech Troubles”

It’s halfway through 2023!

I am still here!  This is just a quick post so I could keep the “at least one post per year” streak going.

A little explanation on my absence this time.  I still run the same company I have worked at for 20 years, but then I started another job in January-July 2023 as a supervisor in a casino.  I left there on July 10 and started me newest job at CIOX on July 17.  I am currently in training and today is my last day of virtual training.  My onsite training should start tomorrow at a local hospital and that is fulfilling medical record requests.

I am also in week four of college and somehow maintaining an A.

2023-07-20_15-38-34-191_angelic by elaina

2023-07-23_14-07-08-813_angelic by elaina

This past week we got HORSIES!  Of course, my horse Peach had twin fillies.

2023-07-23_16-35-38-978_angelic by elaina

She then followed that up with a another set of twin colts.

This will be a 50 foals challenge, yet unpublished.

In other Sims news:
The Vatore’s are still going.
Baby Boomer v.2 has started.

Everything else is on hiatus, but it all works.  No computer issues or save loss to note in the past couple of years.

August ’18 to February ’19

It’s been a pretty long time since I have posted here.  I guess it’s time to update the months after vacation.  It’s also time to update the blog theme.  I’m not a fan of this one.

August 2018

Continue reading “August ’18 to February ’19”

Current Going Ons

Happy 2018 everyone!

Over at the old Willowdale blog, a Sims 4 Megahood has recently taken over.

Over there you will find:

With Bella and her violin.  This challenge was brought you by James Turner/The Sims Supply

Continue reading “Current Going Ons”

Boolprop 12th Birthday Challenge

Happy Birthday, Boolprop!

I’ve only been around on Boolprop for half that time and most of it as an evil creepy lurker.

Everything I am doing is going on a short hiatus so I can do the Baby Boomer challenge for Boolprop (and a shiny new medal).

The rules can be found here.

I will be doing this with no mods in Brindleton Bay.

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TS4_x64 2017-11-10 00-45-43-57

Here are the first pets I have seen in my game.  Rosie is was first seen during the Sims Livestream.  The cats are both strays.

I’m so excited to check out this expansion, so I’m keeping this short and sweet.

July to October


Long time, no see.  Sorry I have not been keeping this site up to date, like at all, in months.  My computer  had a meltdown and I luckily came in to some money less than a month later and got it rebuilt.  Then there was almost a month where I could not get Sims 3 or 4 to run on the new set up, but Sims 2 ran perfectly.

Continue reading “July to October”

Updates: Mid-January

Here are the updates from December 16 through January 16.  Oh and a belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, blah blah blah.

Sims 2

Sims2EP9 2015-01-10 19-52-18-72

Novak WYD:

Baby F
Baby G
Baby H

Sims 3


New:  Kilgore Super Speedy Rainbowcy:  Now on a blog near you.  All updates are still at Naughty Sims Asylum, but after each generation I will be posting on the blog.


Parker Alphabetacy: Chapter 13


New:  Doomed


Tart ISBI:  Issues  Here is an unedited pic in game of what the family after having to go through each one and saving them individually and then mashing the family back together.  The family is having such bad issues that I have uninstalled Sims 3.  I am probably going to have to delete the Sim who is corrupt, but I have to figure out who that is first.  The ancestors, Gen 1-5 are fine.  Jade, Sage and the wives are fine.  I think it is going to be one of the quads.

I have no clue when I will find time to reinstall Sims 3, but I am hoping for before February.  All Sims 3 blogs are on a mini-hiatus until I have the game back going.

Sims 4:
Ugh.  Still hate the game, but I did open it up now that I have to fix Sims 3.  I have not gone back to the Bassett Legacy yet (I can’t even remember the sims in that family, but it might come out of hiding soon).

TS4 2015-01-16 00-57-52-08

Stark Raving Mad has been linked forever, but now it actually has shit in there!

Wonder Kid Challenge by Pinstar – COMING SOON!  The kid is born, so I did get somewhere.  This is a quick one generation challenge that I might actually get off my lazy ass and finish.  I have no interest in starting yet another blog, so I have to figure out where I’m gonna shove this family.  Stay tuned.

Recent Updates and Official Announcements

I have a couple of updates for you today and some announcements!  How unexciting!  Ha.  I did buy a new external hard drive which should be here in about a week.  I am hoping this will cut down on lost games.  I am very excited about that!

Continue reading “Recent Updates and Official Announcements”